Saturday, April 10, 2010

Clark County Fair 2010

We spent Friday at the fair with our little family! Amiah went to the Fair earlier in the day with the whole Elementary school. When we got there, we snatched her from her class then went to explore the grounds. Here she is hugging "Mojave Max" the turtle.

Then we went and saw the sting are allowed to touch them and feed them if you want. Me and Jacob fed them some raw shrimp. (I got an allergic reaction of course) It was weird though, they couldn't find it at first so they kept sucking all over the place on your hand till they found it.

Then right next to them was this huge blow up balls you stick your kids in, and they float on top of the water and try to move was hilarious. They looked like little hamsters in there! Amiah loved it, but Aiden didn't like it so much...he got scared, started crying, so they let him out early. Poor guy!
The good ol' rides! We took them on the rides, Aiden LOVES the rides, Amiah was brave this year...thank goodness. She actually liked them too! Here they are on a few of many they went on.

Here's Jeremiah so HOT in his car seat...not really having fun. It was way past his nap time...he was a trooper though.
After a while on the rides, the kids started getting hot, so we treated them to some ice cream! Jeremiah absolutely loved it! First time for him! He ate the whole thing...and he was wanting more after his was gone, it was so funny.

Once they got cooled off with the ice cream we went on the Pony Rides!!! Amiah's favorite thing to do every year!

Jeremiah's first pony ride....HE HATED IT! Until the very end, then he started to enjoy himself. Silly kid!
Then the kids wanted to see the Children's Pirate show...little did they know they were going to be in it! Amiah was a turtle in the ocean...and Aiden was a Pirate on the ship! They had a lot of fun participating with the kids. The lady who put it all together was so funny, I really liked her accent!

Here's Aiden saying "ARRRR" on stage!
Here's Amiah swimming with the fish in the ocean!
ALL DONE! GOOD JOB KIDS! Here they are taking a BOW! YEAH!!!
After the show we bought them a pirate hat and a eye patch! They loved it!
Then we were all fair'ed out...way to hot, expensive, and we just wanted to get away from the crowd! So we went home and we all took naps! See you next year Fair, BYE!!!

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