Friday, May 1, 2009

Aunt Misty Visit!

Last weekend my sister came and saw us! It was a really short visit for the kids, however, they managed to to have all sorts of fun! We love it when she comes and see us, the kids have such a blast with her, and I love it, cause I get to spend time with my most favorite person ever!

They build a fort!

They played pretty pretty princess! (I love Amiah's earrings...she said she had to put them there, since she already had real ones in!)

Then we all played hide-n-seek! I thought it would be fun to find everyone with the camera! It was great!
We had a great time, and we can't wait to see her again!


Luke and Alicia said...

This picture of your mom is classic. I can hear her laughing. I love it. Priceless

Heidi said...

Sisters are the best!! Mine is my best friend ever!!! Glad you have such a wonderful family!!!