Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things Kids Say!

Tonight as I was trying to get Amiah to go to bed...she came up with the oddest reason as to why she couldn't get into her bed. She said, "I can't go to bed, because there are toys all over my bed, and my hands are too tired to clean it off." I just started laughing...then her Dad's reply was, "Well my foot isn't tired to kick you in the butt!" So of course, her daddy helped her pick up the toys, and finally off to bed! KIDS!

1 comment:

Danette said...

I love it! The one discipline that I will never forget is when we told the kids they were not to jump on the neighbors tramp, it had big holes in it and we didn't want anyone to get hurt. We they ignored us again for the third or so time. So Gary and I said that those who obey the rules get a treat. So at the store I bought only two dove ice cream bars. Gary and I ate them in front of the kids. They mouned with their mouths open. You would have thought the kids had not eaten in years. IT was the funniest way to prove our point.