Monday, April 28, 2008

Who's Jenny?

OK, I thought this was hilarious, but maybe I am just a super funny girl, and I think everything is funny! HA

Me and Amiah were sitting there watching something on TV...and one of those "Jenny Craig" commercials came on...and at the end of it, she says, "Have you called Jenny yet?" Then Amiah turns to me, and said, "Who's Jenny?"

I busted up laughing, it was so funny! Then she said, "Maybe she is a neighbor or something." I was laughing so hard.
I must be tired, and things are just funny to me. My sister called me shortly after that, and I told her the storey, cause I of course was still laughing over it...but she didn't really think it was as funny as I thought it was...huh...

1 comment:

Mindy said...

That definitely would have made me laugh!