Sunday, March 2, 2008

House and Other Updates...

House Update

As far as today...the tile on the roof is being laid...they are a little more then half way on that. Jacob and our friends and family have been helping us with it all weekend. We are so thankful that we have great help!

Installation, and Sheet rock is done. The workers are coming back this week to finishing the muding, and tapping.

The Stucco guys are done putting up the black paper, along with the fencing.

It is coming together so quickly these last few weeks...I swear me and Jacob both seem like we are running around with our heads cut off...Today had to be the most stressful, tiring day we have experienced so far. We are both tired, and grouchy...we just hope that this house is worth it at the end.

I will post some pictures as soon as I get a chance...


Like I said early, he has been doing the roofing...he works all day, then as soon as he gets back to the Valley, it is off to the house he goes. He usually doesn't return until around 7 pm. Long enough to shower, and eat, then go to bed for the next day. His work is getting busy, and he has some testing to do in about 2 weeks. They are sending him to do a job on the California border area. Which means, he won't be home at all during the week, just on the weekends. It is too far of a drive to come home everyday. I just hope it doesn't start until after the house is done. Poor guy, he has been working so hard on this house, and he won't be able to enjoy it everyday. I think the job will last a few months. I thought he said possibly 4-6 months. No Fun!


As far as me, I am busy on the weekends with my photography, and dance. I watch the kids all day during the week, and try to get the Grandparents to help me on the weekends, while I am busy doing my jobs. I am also constantly running around town, picking up checks, delivering checks, and getting bids. Jacob told me that I have to deal with everything inside the house, so I am trying my hardest to do is challenging with a 2 year old, but we make it happen.


She is doing great in her preschool class. She has so much fun learning. She is such a sponge, I love it. She is learning to sound out her letters right now. She knows how to write her name, and she barely tuned 4! I am so proud of her. She loves to read, or at least listen to stories. We try to make it to the library once a week for new books. She also loves to draw, she got that talent from both of her parents. She is really good, I have been saving all her art work that the preschool gives me. I want to make a big book for her someday when have the time.


My crazy boy...He is so much fun, but has so much energy! He is constantly going and going. He barely sits still long enough to eat a meal. I think he got all that energy from my brother. We are trying to potty train him, but no luck on my part...if you have any ideas or helpful tips, please send them my way. He is all about sound effects, cars, balls, dinosaurs, and animals. He has such a fun personality, and he is constantly cracking me up. We spend 4-1.2 hours together each day alone, and he is my entertainment. He loves the outdoors. If he is inside, and someone is leaving, he wants to go too...if you don't take him, he starts crying. He is always just a on the go type of guy...I wonder if that will ever change?


Jason & Claire said...

CRAZY LIFE! Where are you building your house?

Heidi said...

WoooHooo you guys are going to beat us out to get in your house. Bet you don't believe me, but everything is going sooooooo slow!!!!! Anyhow hurray for you !!!! That will be so fun for you!

Valerie said...

About the potty traing- we went cold turkey when we moved up to Laramie. the first day he never made it to the toilet but by the third day he only had an accident or two and by the end of the week we were done he was now a big boy- but Ethan had just turned three so he was a bit older. I tried the rewards and what not but they didnt seem to really work on good luck and let me know how it goes.

Mindy said...

I'm so excited about your house! Even though it is probably the biggest pain ever right now, I bet you guys will think it was well worth it when you're done :) Hey, do you think Jacob will need help next week? We (I should say Vance, lol) could totally help out a bit during the week. Just let me know, seriously! Vance needs to work out anyway, lol ;)

Gloria said...

hangin' in there and feeling the progress brings happiness. It is exciting to know you have such great help from all. wish we were closer... continue to go forward!