Doesn't he look so cute and innocent? HA...just read on folks!!!
Let me just tell you how my summer is going so far with Aiden!!! For some reason, he has been finding, and spraying anything and everything he can get his hands on. The other day, he got in the laundry room, he found the sunscreen...yeah, he pretty much went to town spraying as much things has he could. I walked by, (I have the most awesome sense of smell) smelling sunscreen, I called Aiden over, and asked him where he sprayed it. At first he said, "me no spray that"...HA, right! Then I said, "Aiden, where did you spray the sunscreen so I can clean it up, then he just starts pointing every where...on the door, on the wall, all over the floor, all over the cabinet, on the dryer, and the trash can, on the broom. He covered that place!
You would think the boy would learn, NO! Well, just the other night, he was helping me make dinner. Then I had to feed the baby a bottle. Jacob and Amiah were outside cooking steaks on the grill. Well, Jacob came in the kitchen asking Aiden why the ground was all wet...(I was thinking, huh, it shouldn't be wet, the water isn't on?) So I finish with the baby go in there, and yeah...Aiden got the 409 Granite cleaner...and WOW! Yeah let's just say he was in deep $#!%! He sprayed cleaner all over the tile floor, all over the counters, all over the wall, all over the food we just made, and all over the stove, all over the pans...he pretty much pissed me off to no end that night!
You think it would get better...well yeah right! Yesterday he was eating some soup, and he is always a bit messy, so we keep plenty of napkins on the table. Well thank goodness Jacob caught this one, cause I have had enough of it! Poor Aiden (right?), well he was dipping his napkin in the soup, then he was squeezing the broth into his mouth...only it wasn't really going into the mouth, more like all over his arm, down the table, on the chair, and of course all over the floor. AH! Can I get a break here? GEEZE!
Wow...let me just tell you I am so excited for summer! All of this was in a 4 day time period.
(My sister told me to write about all these stories...she thinks they are quit humorous...only I don't...but I do agree, I should write down all the crazy things that boys does)